compliance vision screenings
How do your employees get their eyes tested for compliance purposes (like color vision and jaegar/reading testing)?
OnSight Eyes vision compliance screenings help your organization to comply with federal regulations such as ASME certification, NAS 410, ATA Spec. 105, or your company’s internal vision requirements.
All exams include color vision and jaegar card testing and can be customized based on your company’s regulatory requirements.
Whether it be a large corporate program or just a few employees needing eyewear, OnSight Eyes has a comprehensive and cost-effective solution to meet your safety prescription eyewear needs.
We offer:
The full line of Industry-leading Hoya Safety Products including the latest Materials Lens Designs and Premium Coating Technology.
Frames from leading suppliers such as Hoya, Journeyman, and On-Guard.
For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact us!